Software Development Kit (SDK)

magiclinksdev SDKs are responsible for providing programming language specific client code to interact with the API via HTTP.

This involves handling API authentication, exposing request/response data types, and performing HTTP requests. Unsuccessful API responses should be treated as errors when returned to the caller. Ideally, clients should be able to perform JWT validation using a local cache of the JWK Set.

Official SDKs


The official Go client is in the client package of the open-source GitHub project. Please see the examples/client directory to get started.

Generate code

This project publishes formatted API specification files in Swagger 2.0 and OpenAPI 3 formats. Please see the Specification page for more information.

Code generation projects include:

3rd Party Client SDKs

If you've made an SDK for the magiclinksdev project with documentation and are willing to maintain it, please open a GitHub issue to announce it. After a review, it may be put in this documentation section with your permission.

Currently, there are no 3rd party clients.